Sunday, August 8, 2010

July and adjustments

Okay, first off yes, I know its been ages since our blog has been updated and second, yes even longer since I (Tim) have updated the blog.

What a difference a month can make! Our little wonder can now:
-roll over (tummy to back and vice versa!)
-grab and hold things
-lock her legs (To 'stand')
-grab her feet
-chew on her feet
-stick anything in her mouth
-wear 3-6 month clothing (no more 0-3 month)
-sleep in her own crib
-sleep the whole night through

She also smiles all of the time now. She does this thing when either Krissy or I are holding her, we'll try to make her smile and she will oblige but hide her face as though she is bashful. It is adorable! She used to make us work so hard those smiles, now she smiles even on her own when she's entertaining herself. She is truly such a joy for us both. I think everyday we are overcome with what a blessing she is to our lives.

We also brought her in for her four month pediatrician evaluation and all is good. She is 75 percentile for height and weight, a perfectly proportionate little girl! The doc seemed very pleased with her progress and even mentioned that she is ahead of normal pace in almost every category. We are so proud!