Sunday, August 8, 2010

July and adjustments

Okay, first off yes, I know its been ages since our blog has been updated and second, yes even longer since I (Tim) have updated the blog.

What a difference a month can make! Our little wonder can now:
-roll over (tummy to back and vice versa!)
-grab and hold things
-lock her legs (To 'stand')
-grab her feet
-chew on her feet
-stick anything in her mouth
-wear 3-6 month clothing (no more 0-3 month)
-sleep in her own crib
-sleep the whole night through

She also smiles all of the time now. She does this thing when either Krissy or I are holding her, we'll try to make her smile and she will oblige but hide her face as though she is bashful. It is adorable! She used to make us work so hard those smiles, now she smiles even on her own when she's entertaining herself. She is truly such a joy for us both. I think everyday we are overcome with what a blessing she is to our lives.

We also brought her in for her four month pediatrician evaluation and all is good. She is 75 percentile for height and weight, a perfectly proportionate little girl! The doc seemed very pleased with her progress and even mentioned that she is ahead of normal pace in almost every category. We are so proud!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Michigan, Eleanor's baptism, and my job

(Eleanor and her "Incredible" grandparents, on our recent trip to Michigan)

Sorry it's been so long since we've written in this thing! At the end of May, we took a trip out to Michigan. Tim's Dad, who is the administrative principal of a Christian school, is retiring after 42 years of service and his school district threw him a retirement luncheon and a PARADE! It was really neat to be a part of the festivities and I am so proud to be his daughter-in-law. You could really tell how much the community loves him, just like we do.

Eleanor did fabulously out in Michigan and everyone got to love on her a bit. She was so talkative and animated! She had minor moments of fussiness, but just your average baby stuff - overall, she was a peach and we had a great time. The trip to and from Michigan, on the other hand, was pretty bad and I'm not looking forward to repeating it, not at least until she's a little older and likes her car seat a little more! A particular low point was when we were going through Chicago and stuck in a traffic jam for over an hour, just trying to get off the highway as I sat in the backseat and Eleanor was hollering with her eyes wide open. But let's not talk about it.

On June 6th, Eleanor was baptized. I told all of my friends from church about how much Eleanor hates getting her head wet so they should be prepared for some tears. We couldn't have been more wrong! She didn't cry at all, but the water did stun her and she spit her pacifier in to the baptismal font. (THAT story is going in the baby book, for sure!) So Eleanor didn't cry, but I totally did - I started tearing up as soon as we promised to raise her in the Christian faith (with God's help). And then when we sang "Great Is Thy Faithfulness"... bring on the waterworks! Just like the moment we first brought Eleanor home, it was one of these surreal times where I could hardly believe that God chose to bless us so richly. Thank you God for giving us the awesome responsibility of raising this precious, beautiful girl to walk in Your ways.

My first day back to work is rapidly approaching (on June 21) and I feel absolutely sick to my stomach about it. I haven't told many people this, but when Eleanor was about two weeks old, I actually looked forward to this day! I loved her so much, but she was pretty much wailing every moment that she was awake, and my heart hurt to hear her crying non-stop. Since I couldn't imagine the time where she'd stop crying, I looked forward to the predictability (and silence) of the office. Ugh. I can hardly remember those days! They've been replaced by days filled with smiles (from both of us), laughter (from me - usually at a noise or a face she's made), and LOTS of cuddles. She still prefers being held to any other position, and while it makes it hard to take a shower or stack the dishwasher, I am more than happy to oblige her.

I currently work full time/40 hours a week, and I called my boss last week to discuss if it were possible to work 4 days a week. It is not. However, I am able to go to 3 days a week if I would like, and they would hire another part-time person to pick up the extra hours. Because they'd be hiring another person, I'd never be able to go back to full-time. When she said that, I immediately dismissed the idea - there was no way we could afford a 40% pay cut, right? Or is there, if we majorly scrimp? Tim and I have been talking about it for days and we need to keep praying about it. If we go down this road, even if we're extremely frugal, would we be able to survive the winters (when Tim's work slows down to a halt and tips are non existent)? I want to do the responsible thing - but in all honesty, my heart is breaking at the thought of being away from her 5 days a week. I'm not sure what we should do.

To end this on a happier note, here is a small clip from one of her baths last week. She actually LIKES her baths now - until you get her head wet, of course.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I started crying today while I was cuddling Eleanor. I've got less than 4 weeks left of my maternity leave, and I am dreading going back to work. I don't want to leave her with someone else all day - I want to be with her! Sometimes when she fusses, I am the only one who can calm her down; she wants nothing else than to be with her Mama. When I go back to work and we aren't together for the entire day, will she still want me the same way? I am just miserable about this. I so wish we could afford to have me stay at home... or go part time, at the very least. But we cannot, and someone else is going to enjoy her smiles and coos and slurps and sighs while I am at work and missing her.

I wish there was another way. This is tearing me up inside.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

from this weekend

My two favorite people in the whole world!


Friday, May 14, 2010

this week

Eleanor has changed so much within the last week or so. Around 5 weeks (she is 6 now), she started smiling "for real" at us, and every day she seems to be smiling at us more. It is so precious! It is easiest to get her smiling in the morning, because she is [usually] pretty pleasant. I'll (or Tim will) be talking to her in a singsong voice - usually saying something original like "Who's Mama's pretty girl?" - and she will slowly break out in to a smile. It makes me melt!

Another thing that has changed this week is that she pretty much stopped screaming at every diaper change. It's like she's finally figured out that a diaper change equals the sensation of her sitting in her own poop will soon be over, and our ears are reaping the benefits. Additionally, she's gotten much better when I dress her in the morning - although she still hates when anything gets pulled over her head. She also still screams bloody murder when we give her a bath, and I don't see that stopping anytime soon.

Finally, she finally outgrew her NB (newborn) clothes, and we've busted out the 0-3 month outfits! It's hard to believe that just a few weeks ago, we were bringing her in for weight checks to make sure she was gaining weight. She's filled out so much! Her cheeks and legs are chubbier, she's gotten longer, and she even has a cute little double chin. (If teenage Eleanor is reading this, I'm sorry that I called your double chin "cute"... it really is, though. So is your tush.)


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Our Mother's Day Blessing

Krissy and I are fortunate to have a wonderful church to be a part of. We enjoy the classes we take, the choir we sing in, the many friends we have and a place to worship. Everyday when we pray, we thank God for our family at Calvin.

However, since the birth of our beautiful girl, we haven't been there. It's not without reason, though. Taking a colicky baby to any public place poses certain risks, and we'd hate interrupt Pastor Rob's sermon with a full-volume scream. Also, we are a little paranoid as parents when it comes to germs. Our pediatrician encouraged us to avoid church for the first two months and everyone loves a baby, and they love to touch the little hands ( these are the same hands that the baby will eventually stick in his/her mouth. Yuck).

So, for Mother's Day we finally ventured out to church. I'm pleased to say that she did well. She enjoyed the music, and slept through the sermon (sorry Rob). And she met many new people after the service, sleeping through all introductions. She made Krissy so proud for Mother's Day.

This good behavior continued through the entire day, making easy parenting for both Krissy and I. This evening I held her unswaddled about six inches from my face and she was happy and giving me eye contact; just generally being a sweetheart. I. Was. Loving. It.

It reminded me of how we get so caught up being parents and catering to our daughter's every need that we so easily forget how blessed we really are. We have so few moments to admire what a miracle she is, I'm happy I'm able to appreciate those moments when they occur.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Everything has changed

"I was looking for someone to complete me - not anymore, dear. Everything has changed. You've made the moon our mirrorball, the streets an empty stage, the city's sirens - violins, everything has changed." --Elbow, Mirrorball

I love the song Mirrorball!

I used to listen to it a lot when I was pregnant and think of our baby, living (not to mention, constantly flipping) inside of me. Another song I'd listen to a lot was Blackbird by The Beatles - actually, Tim used to sing Blackbird to my tummy every night. Then he'd roll over and fall asleep, while Eleanor would start thumping and kicking (and usually get the hiccups) after being woken up by her daddy's singing. I didn't mind - I absolutely loved feeling her move around! When I was in the hospital, it was so weird to not feel her anymore. It was a pretty big adjustment - one adjustment of many.

Anyway, the song Mirrorball is about the morning after you've fallen in love. The man in the song is walking around and looking at the world in amazement; falling in love has transformed everything around him. I know exactly how he feels! We both have fallen in love with our little bundle of joy and look at the world with fresh eyes. And in my wildest dreams, I never could have imagined how Eleanor's birth would have changed our lives - but she has, totally and completely.

Not to say that this transformation hasn't taken some getting used to. Two days after being released from the hospital, we had to bring Eleanor back to the hospital for a breastfeeding assessment. It was our first time venturing out of the house, and to keep his girls safe Tim drove approximately 10 miles an hour the whole way there (but I may be exaggerating). After the nurse checked Eleanor's vitals, she noticed she had a dirty diaper and asked us for a diaper from our diaper bag. Uh... diaper bag? What's that? Both of us didn't even think to bring it. The nurse laughed and said we were "so cute". Yeah, we're adorable negligent parents.

Another thing that has taken some time getting used to is the whole "can't do what we want, when we want it" thing. I'm sure this is an adjustment for any new parent, but we've been married for 11 years this year, so we've had many years calling the shots. Before E, when we wanted to watch a movie (or - gasp! Go to a movie!), we did. But this week, we rented a movie (Sherlock Holmes) on Monday - and it took us 4 days to finish it, as we had to watch it in bits and pieces. Whenever we sat down to watch it, our gorgeous little girl decided that precise moment was the time to start yelling. I figured she was trying to save us from a really bad movie, but it actually ended up being pretty good. Guess she can kiss that career as a movie critic goodbye!

Our sweet girl - she's changed everything.
