Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Michigan, Eleanor's baptism, and my job

(Eleanor and her "Incredible" grandparents, on our recent trip to Michigan)

Sorry it's been so long since we've written in this thing! At the end of May, we took a trip out to Michigan. Tim's Dad, who is the administrative principal of a Christian school, is retiring after 42 years of service and his school district threw him a retirement luncheon and a PARADE! It was really neat to be a part of the festivities and I am so proud to be his daughter-in-law. You could really tell how much the community loves him, just like we do.

Eleanor did fabulously out in Michigan and everyone got to love on her a bit. She was so talkative and animated! She had minor moments of fussiness, but just your average baby stuff - overall, she was a peach and we had a great time. The trip to and from Michigan, on the other hand, was pretty bad and I'm not looking forward to repeating it, not at least until she's a little older and likes her car seat a little more! A particular low point was when we were going through Chicago and stuck in a traffic jam for over an hour, just trying to get off the highway as I sat in the backseat and Eleanor was hollering with her eyes wide open. But let's not talk about it.

On June 6th, Eleanor was baptized. I told all of my friends from church about how much Eleanor hates getting her head wet so they should be prepared for some tears. We couldn't have been more wrong! She didn't cry at all, but the water did stun her and she spit her pacifier in to the baptismal font. (THAT story is going in the baby book, for sure!) So Eleanor didn't cry, but I totally did - I started tearing up as soon as we promised to raise her in the Christian faith (with God's help). And then when we sang "Great Is Thy Faithfulness"... bring on the waterworks! Just like the moment we first brought Eleanor home, it was one of these surreal times where I could hardly believe that God chose to bless us so richly. Thank you God for giving us the awesome responsibility of raising this precious, beautiful girl to walk in Your ways.

My first day back to work is rapidly approaching (on June 21) and I feel absolutely sick to my stomach about it. I haven't told many people this, but when Eleanor was about two weeks old, I actually looked forward to this day! I loved her so much, but she was pretty much wailing every moment that she was awake, and my heart hurt to hear her crying non-stop. Since I couldn't imagine the time where she'd stop crying, I looked forward to the predictability (and silence) of the office. Ugh. I can hardly remember those days! They've been replaced by days filled with smiles (from both of us), laughter (from me - usually at a noise or a face she's made), and LOTS of cuddles. She still prefers being held to any other position, and while it makes it hard to take a shower or stack the dishwasher, I am more than happy to oblige her.

I currently work full time/40 hours a week, and I called my boss last week to discuss if it were possible to work 4 days a week. It is not. However, I am able to go to 3 days a week if I would like, and they would hire another part-time person to pick up the extra hours. Because they'd be hiring another person, I'd never be able to go back to full-time. When she said that, I immediately dismissed the idea - there was no way we could afford a 40% pay cut, right? Or is there, if we majorly scrimp? Tim and I have been talking about it for days and we need to keep praying about it. If we go down this road, even if we're extremely frugal, would we be able to survive the winters (when Tim's work slows down to a halt and tips are non existent)? I want to do the responsible thing - but in all honesty, my heart is breaking at the thought of being away from her 5 days a week. I'm not sure what we should do.

To end this on a happier note, here is a small clip from one of her baths last week. She actually LIKES her baths now - until you get her head wet, of course.



  1. Take the 3 days! If you can afford your mortgage and basic utilities with the pay cut, you MUST take it.

    Trust me, 3 days work w/ a baby is MORE than enough to wear you down. Plus, it goes SO QUICKLY. Honestly, Evangeline is a precocious two-year-old already! SO. QUICKLY.

    You'll be a much happier Mumma if you are only working 3-days. Really. Those extra days of just you and Eleanor will be very precious times.

    Trust me. A few years of poverty is worth it.

    Plus, you never know, during Tim's slow time he might be able to pick up a few shifts a week doing one of those call-centre-from-home jobs or something. Something WILL come along if you get desperate. Trust in God's provision and enjoy the blessing of your family.

    Licky x

  2. ALSO, check out this blog. Her husband in a cook in a cafe, and she has chosen to stay home with her baby. They have no money but are very happy.


    I'll stop pushing now. I know this is a really difficult decision to make, and really, I support you in whatever outcome - but I worry and I only want what is best for you and Eleanor.

    love you
