Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I started crying today while I was cuddling Eleanor. I've got less than 4 weeks left of my maternity leave, and I am dreading going back to work. I don't want to leave her with someone else all day - I want to be with her! Sometimes when she fusses, I am the only one who can calm her down; she wants nothing else than to be with her Mama. When I go back to work and we aren't together for the entire day, will she still want me the same way? I am just miserable about this. I so wish we could afford to have me stay at home... or go part time, at the very least. But we cannot, and someone else is going to enjoy her smiles and coos and slurps and sighs while I am at work and missing her.

I wish there was another way. This is tearing me up inside.



  1. Hi! its really me: Naomi : ) Just reading your blog and your last post. I just wanted to say anything is possible. God knows the desires of your heart and it may not happen 4 weeks from now, but if its really what you want, I know He'll find a way to make it happen. Love you!

  2. I feel so sad for you, Krissy. Sending you much love. Will try to call you soon when I am having a better day than today. Will pray for this situation for you. xo

  3. Oh, hon...I'm so sorry :( I know how hard that is! My last half of maternity leave with Lilly, I felt like all I was doing was counting down and crying. And hyperventilating. I was completely (and still will) say exactly what Naomi is saying: It may not happen right away, but never underestimate what God can do. I never ever ever EVER in a million trillion years thought that I'd be able to be a stay at home Mom again. It didn't happen when Lilly was born, but by the time she turned 2, it worked out. I pray that it works out for you too.

    And by the way...she will always love you more :) You're her Mama!

    Love you!

  4. Beck is right, Krissy. Eleanor will always love you more. I will pray, too, that things work out for you.

